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The following search sections are available: Meeting, Organisation, Privileged info and Background info.


Only meetings with/without...
Confirmed supplier
Specify the type of supplier you are looking for: DMC, Airline, Local PCO, Hotel/Accommodation, Venue or Exhibition Management.

Select this option (green is yes) when you only want to select meetings where ICCA members have been involved. You can switch off this option by moving the box from green (yes) to the left so it becomes grey (no).

Covid related status
Find out the covid status of meetings by selecting any of the options (cancelled, virtual, hybrid, etc.).


Enter the city, country and/or continent of where the organisation should be located.

Choose any of the pre-defined countries in this field where associations should have a member. The association will only be selected if ICCA has found an address of the local representative (also called: key contact, member, local counterpart) on the international organisation’s website. It is very beneficial to have a key contact in your own country. Very often meetings rotate between the countries of the local representatives. Furthermore, communication will be much easier with someone from your country (language, culture), and much closer for meetings.

Select the type of management: International Organisation, (Core) PCO, AMC.

Verified Association Contacts
Select this option to find profiles of associations that have a staff member that already knows ICCA.

Privileged info

ICCA's Association Database has always been about sharing commercial information about recently hosted meetings. The Meeting Insider functionality facilitates and personalises information exchange among ICCA members. Members are now invited to provide background information on specific events that you have hosted, and also add a picture and contact information to the meeting profile. This applies to all future events in the database and also to events which are not older than 2 years. By becoming a Meeting Insider, you can now offer to advise important information to your fellow ICCA Members, which you think will be helpful for them to better understand the respective association and their events, as well as to provide them with any ideas you have tried which has helped you to bridge success when bidding to host or cater for this meeting.

As a , you need to have information to share related to the Bidding/Decision-making Process, Delegate/Budgetary Profile, etc. You can also choose to indicate your preferred ways of communication by (not) listing phone and/or email details. You can also say for how long you want to be a for a specific meeting. Only those ICCA Members who have made a similar commitment, will be able to access to your contact details and vice versa. To reiterate, only ICCA members who have made this commitment will  be able to search for meeting profiles with . With this functionality, not only Members in the Destination Marketing sectors are invited to participate, but also suppliers who are linked to the meeting as well.

Select all meetings of which the contact of the association belonging to that organisation will participate in a Hosted Buyer Programme of a tradeshow. This option is only available to members who are exhibiting at the particular tradeshow and have registered for the Association function. When registered for the Association Evening at IMEX, IMEX America or ICCA Personal Connections Evening at EIBTM, ICCA members can view additional information on Hosted Buyers attending the tradeshow. ICCA’s Research Department has looked into the meetings represented by the buyers and added these to the Association Database.

Each member can bookmark specific profiles and meetings. By selecting this option (green is yes), you can easily find back your bookmarked profiles.

dd your personal comments to a meeting (e.g. the contact name of the local representative or your own file number). This information will be stored on our server, therefore it will remain available, even when a new version of the database is used or when you log in from another computer. A profile with a note attached will have a yellow Note button. When you click on it, you can read the note.

ICCA’s success over decades has been built on the principle of members exchanging commercial information with one another about recently hosted events. This is the foundation of ICCA’s Association Database, and is a central component of many ICCA events. Upon registration each delegate will be requested to provide data on one major international meeting they have recently been involved in, and to be willing to share their insights and inside knowledge about this meeting with other delegates throughout the BE Sessions. ICCA Data will support delegates in maximising the commercially important data that will be exchanged during the Business Exchange, turning the event into a massive intelligence gathering opportunity.
Conditions apply. Please note that only participating delegates may search for the BE session(s) and may view the additional Business Exchange information.

Background info


A bid manual (also called request for proposal or RFP) is a written document issued by an organisation which contains requirements for their future meetings. Select this option if you are interested in profiles that contain this extra information.
