Suggested searches

To get an idea of what searches are possible, when and why to do a particular search and what to do with it, the following suggestions could be of help.

The most commonly used option is the ‘Potential meetings for´ search option. This search can be used to obtain a list of international meetings which among others:
A. have the potential to come to your country
B. have the potential to use your services
C. have their headquarters in a country which is going to be visited or a representative is based in
D. fall into a category which has specific potential (e.g. a specific subject matter)
E. have a local representative in your country or maybe a combination of the above.

ad. A.
To search for meetings, which have the potential to meet in your country please, bear the following in mind:

ad. B.
To search for meetings which have the potential to use your services, please bear the following in mind:

ad. E. To search for meetings which have a key contact in your country, please bear the following in mind:


Search for meetings that could come to Singapore

In the New search screen, specify the following:

Potential meetings for...
Destination: Singapore
Click the Search button.
A result listing appears.

When you click on the Advanced button, you will see that the system has pre-defined the following search criteria:

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