This is the Export button:

When clicking on it, the following options will appear:

Guidelines on working with ICCA data

Our most important advice: treat all association contacts with intelligent respect!

ICCA’s policy for processing personal data in the Association Database is based on the rationale of “legitimate interest”. All ICCA members need to adhere to their own Privacy Policy rationales when working with this (and all other) personal data, which could be based on “consent”, “legitimate interest” or even “contract” (eg, this may apply for persons linked to meetings that the ICCA member has organised or hosted in the past, or is actively preparing to organise or host in future).

The most sensible general principle for all ICCA members to adopt is to only process data on or make contact with individuals where there is a genuine, well-researched and well-argued business case for that meeting to be targeted, so that anyone can recognise the care that has been taken by the ICCA member to think about the needs of their meeting.

Association meetings are a long-term business, requiring the establishment of trust and a strong, long-term relationship. From your earliest communication with these individuals this should always be kept in mind! Treat all association contacts with “intelligent respect” at all times, and you will gain more success.

Please DO NOT send out standard letters to mass audiences, and avoid using salutations such as “Dear Association Executive” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.

Please DO NOT send large files or attachments (eg brochures), or generic tourist-type material.

Please DO NOT send out inappropriate or unasked-for gifts and invitations.

Please DO personalise each communication you send out, referring to what you know about about their meeting’s needs and their association’s business objectives, and explaining how your company or destination can help achieve their goals.

Please DO ensure that their meeting is a good fit for your company or destination, and that you have done your research on their history, size, rotation pattern, and decision-making criteria.

Please DO find out additional intelligence from other ICCA members who have been involved in this meeting in the past, to ensure your approach is tailored to their needs.

Please DO check out other sources apart from ICCA before you contact any individual, to ensure your knowledge is as complete as possible.

Please DO ensure that individuals are easily able to request removal of their personal details or to not receive future communication from you, and react immediately to any complaints.

Please DO prominently display your privacy policies and demonstrate your adherence to GDPR.

Please DO mention that you are an ICCA member, with experience and special interest in international association meetings; mention other association meetings you’re worked on recently.

NEVER share ICCA data with non-members.

ALWAYS follow these guidelines to ensure that association executives feel welcome within the ICCA community, and that they are at all times treated with intelligent respect by ICCA members.

How to use the data from the Association Database effectively

The Result list can be exported from the results list as well as from the Profile page by clicking the button:

Essentials (Incomplete):
«Field name», Explanation, Field type/size:
«SCODE» Series code (id) TEXT/ 10 NUMBER/Long Integer
«SNAME» Series name TEXT/125
«SEDITDATE» Date series last edited TEXT/255
«ICODE» Int.Org. code (id) TEXT/ 10 NUMBER/Long Integer
«INAME» Int.Org. name TEXT/ 80
«IADDRESS» Int.Org. address TEXT/254
«IADDRESS_enter» Int.Org. address TEXT/254
«IPOCODE1» Int.Org. postal code (in front of city) TEXT/ 10
«ICITY» Int.Org. city TEXT/ 50
«IPOCODE2» Int.Org. postal code (after city) TEXT/ 10
«ICOUNTRY» Int.Org. country TEXT/ 50
«ICPERSON» Int.Org. contact person TEXT/ 40
«IFUNCTION» Int.Org. contact persons function TEXT/ 30
«SALUTATION» Dear “Contact person Int.Org.,” TEXT/ 40
«IUNTIL» Date until Int.Org. Contact person has been assigned TEXT/ 10
«IPHONE» Int.Org. phone number TEXT/ 30
«IFAX» Int.Org. fax number TEXT/ 30
«IHOMEPAGE» Int.Org. homepage TEXT/ 80
«IEMAIL» Int.Org. e-mail TEXT/ 40
«FREQ» Frequency of series TEXT/ 15
«AREA» Rotation area of series TEXT/ 25
«AttendanceEstimate» Estimation of number of attendance
«AttendanceEstimateSignificance» Estimation of number of attendance significance
«DUR» Duration of series TEXT/ 7
«SUB1» Subject matter of series TEXT/254
«SUB2» Subject matter of series TEXT/254
«SUB3» Subject matter of series TEXT/254
«MON» Preferred meeting months for series TEXT/ 7
«NUMB» Number of break out rooms TEXT/ 3
«SIZE» Size of meeting rooms TEXT/ 9
«VENUE» Preferred venue (e.g. University) TEXT/ 15
«LANG» Language TEXT/160
«USEXH» Use of exhibition (yes/no) TEXT/ 3
«FOPEN» First open year for Bids TEXT/ 4 NUMBER/Long Integer
«DEADL» Deadline for Bids TEXT/ 7
«DESCD» Decision date TEXT/ 7
«PREFR» Preferred region (for next meeting) TEXT/105
«DESCM» Decision maker TEXT/ 25
«ICPTITLE» Int.Org. contact person title TEXT/ 255
«ICPFNAME» Int.Org. contact person firstname TEXT/ 255
«ICPLNAME» Int.Org. contact person lastname TEXT/ 255
«KC_LINK» Hyperlink to Key Contact Details on Association’s website TEXT/ 255
«decision» Decision information available
«REMARKS» Remarks
«porganisation» (Core) PCO name TEXT/ 80
«paddress» (Core) PCO address TEXT/254
«ppocode1» (Core) PCO postal code (in front of city) TEXT/ 10
«pcity» (Core) PCO city TEXT/ 50
«ppocode2» (Core) PCO postal code (after city) TEXT/ 10
«pcountry» (Core) PCO country TEXT/ 50
«pphone» (Core) PCO phone number TEXT/ 30
«pfax» (Core) PCO fax number TEXT/ 30
«pemail» (Core) PCO e-mail TEXT/ 40
«phomepage» (Core) PCO homepage TEXT/ 80
«aorganisation» AMC name TEXT/ 80
«aaddress» AMC address TEXT/254
«apocode1» AMC postal code (in front of city) TEXT/ 10
«acity» AMC city TEXT/ 50
«apocode2» AMC postal code (after city) TEXT/ 10
«acountry» AMC country TEXT/ 50
«aphone» AMC phone number TEXT/ 30
«afax» AMC fax number TEXT/ 30
«aemail» AMC e-mail TEXT/ 40
«ahomepage» AMC homepage TEXT/ 80
«notes» Personal notes TEXT/254

Meeting editions (Incomplete):

«Field name», Explanation, Field type/size:
«HOFNR» Meeting number (id) NUMBER/Integer
«ENAME» Meeting name TEXT/255
«SCODE» Series code (id) NUMBER/Long Integer
«INPUTDATE» Date of first input TEXT/255
«EDITDATE» Date meeting editions last edited TEXT/255
«YEAR» Year of meeting NUMBER/Integer
«START» Starting day/month NUMBER/Integer
«ENDD» Ending day/month NUMBER/Integer
«covid status» Meeting status regarding COVID-19
«CITY» City where meeting takes place TEXT/255
«COUNTRY» Country where meeting takes place TEXT/255
«ATTEN» Attendance NUMBER/Integer
«ACOMP» Number of accompanying persons TEXT/255
«REGFEE» Registration fee for meeting TEXT/255
«CURR» Currency for registration fee TEXT/255
«NUMHOT» Number of hotel rooms booked TEXT/255
«COMEXH» Commercial exhibition (yes/no) TEXT/255 21
«NUMEXH» Number of exhibitors TEXT/255
«COMPOS» Commercial poster exhibition TEXT/255
«NUMSURF» Number of surface space TEXT/255
«NUMPOS» Number of posters TEXT/255
«SNAME» Secretariat name TEXT/255
«SCONTACT» Secretariat contact person TEXT/255
«SADDRESS» Secretariat address TEXT/255
«SADDRESS ENTER» Secretariat address TEXT/255
«SPOCODE1» Secretariat postal code (in front of city) TEXT/255
«SCITY» Secretariat city TEXT/255
«SPOCODE2» Secretariat postal code (after city) TEXT/255
«SCOUNTRY» Secretariat country TEXT/255
«SPHONE» Secretariat phone number TEXT/255
«SFAX» Secretariat fax number TEXT/255
«SHOMEPAGE» Secretariat homepage TEXT/255
«SEMAIL» Secretariat e-mail TEXT/255
«SFUNCTION» Secretariat function TEXT/255
«ONAME» Org. committee name TEXT/255
«OCONTACT» Org. committee contact person TEXT/255
«OFUNCTION» Org. committee contacts function TEXT/255
«OADDRESS» Org. committee address TEXT/255
«OPOCODE1» Org. committee postal code (in front of city) TEXT/255
«OCITY» Org. committee city TEXT/255
«OPOCODE2» Org. committee postal code (after city) TEXT/255
«OCOUNTRY» Org. committee country TEXT/255
«OPHONE» Org. committee phone number TEXT/255
«OFAX» Org. committee fax number TEXT/255
«OHOMEPAGE» Org. committee homepage TEXT/255
«OEMAIL» Org. committee e-mail TEXT/255
«SUB1» Subject matter of meeting TEXT/254 TEXT/255
«SUB2» Subject matter of meeting TEXT/254 TEXT/255
«SUB3» Subject matter of meeting TEXT/254 TEXT/255
«FOOTLINES» Extra remarks on meeting TEXT/255
«ICODE» Int.Org. code TEXT/ 10 NUMBER/Long Integer
«INAME» Int.Org. name TEXT/ 80
«IADDRESS» Int.Org. address TEXT/254
«iaddress_enter» Int.Org. address TEXT/254
«IPOCODE1» Int.Org. postal code (in front of city) TEXT/ 10
«ICITY» Int.Org. city TEXT/ 50
«IPOCODE2» Int.Org. postal code (after city) TEXT/ 10
«ICOUNTRY» Int.Org. country TEXT/ 50
«ICPERSON» Int.Org. contact person TEXT/ 40
«IFUNCTION» Int.Org. contact persons function TEXT/ 30
«SALUTATION» Dear “Contact person Int.Org.,” TEXT/ 40
«IUNTIL» Date until Int.Org. Contact person has been assigned TEXT/ 10
«IPHONE» Int.Org. phone number TEXT/ 30
«IFAX» Int.Org. fax number TEXT/ 30
«IHOMEPAGE» Int.Org. homepage TEXT/ 80
«IEMAIL» Int.Org. e-mail TEXT/ 40
«EVENUE1» Official venue for meeting TEXT/255
«EPCO1» Official Local PCO TEXT/255
«EAIR1» Official Airline TEXT/255
«EHOT1» Official hotel(s)/accommodation TEXT/255
«EEXH1» Official exhibition management TEXT/255
«ETRA1» Official DMC TEXT/255
«notes» Personal notes TEXT/254

Note: Should you wish to link the two tables from MS Excel: Meetings table to the Essentials table, the field SCODE is key where the Meetings table.SCODE is in a one-to-many relationship with the Essentials table.SCODE.
Linking the tables should be done in a separate database (eg. MS Access).

ICCA does not provide an API.

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