After entering the search criteria and pressing the 'Search' button, the result list appears, sorted by relevance (default). Depending on the type of search, different formats of results appear with various sorting and filter options.

Only text

The results display the general meeting name (also called series) and all past and future confirmed meeting editions belonging to this profile. The link will open the default profile page.

Potential meetings for...

The results display the general meeting name (also called series), deadline bid, rotation area, first open year for bids, number of meetings editions, country local representative, average attendance number (size). The mark:  will indicate if the meeting is returning regularly to the same destination selected.
The values will only be displayed when available. The link will open the default profile page.

How to find these potential meetings:

What you can find in a full meeting profile:

Confirmed meetings in...

The results display the specific confirmed meeting edition name, dates, city and country where the meeting takes place, attendance number (size) and venue.
When the meeting took/will take place in the same destination multiple times, the profile will display the city and the number of times the meeting was held in the same city. The values will only be displayed when available. The link will open the specific meeting edition in the profile page.

Organisation details

The results display the name of the organisation, city and country where the organisation is based, and the website of the organisation as well as the general names of the meetings (also called: 'series') organised by this particular organisation.
The values will only be displayed when available. The link will open the organisation tab in the profile page.